Handling a million requests: Part 2 (gRPC)

For Part One see this

In this part we're a going to see how using protobufs and gRPC helps us.

We will be trying to see how many requests our instance can handle per minute and look out for other benefits as well.


To follow along clone this repo  stress-testing-app

We are going to spin up a Node.js cluster that servers requests as Protobufs/Protobuffers/Protocol Buffers using gRPC.

Firstly just a quick refresher on what proto buffers are. Protobuffers are a cool way of transmitting data that sort of losslessly-compresses it.

Here is an example:

Assume we had a regular server and this is the JSON response we have to send back:

    username: "Bob",
    premium: true,
    nextBillingDate: "01-01-2023",
    country: "KE",
    UUID: 567
this response is sent to the client as regular text, where each character is moreless a byte.
We can do better by using protobuffers. Protobuffers work by having both the client and server a mutual understanding of the schema to use. In this example we can use this schema called a proto definition:
message User {
    string username = 1;
    bool premium = 2;
    string nextBillingDate = 3;
    Country country = 4;
    string port = 5;
    int32 UUID = 6;
enum Country {
  KE = 0;
  US = 1;
  UK = 2;
  AU = 3;
  JP = 4;
  DE = 5;
from this schema, our server response now becomes this
["Bob", 0, "01-01-2023", 0, 3000, 567]
this is a lot less bytes to send over the network. But how does the client know how to deconstruct the message? The client will use the same proto file (schema file), which dictates the order of the variables in the array.



  • Clone the repo above.
  • Install docker and docker-compose on your machine
  • Build the docker images using
bash build.sh
  • Start the server  using
bash starthttp.sh

Once installed you can run this command to perform the test from the same machine

k6 run http-tests/local.js --duration=60s --vus=32

vus stands for virtual users, you can experiment with this value, based on your hardware you will get different values for RPS (requests per second).

When increasing the number of virtual users you may have to increase the limit on concurrent file descriptors being used by running ulimit -n 250000 this will increase it to 250,000 which you probably won't reach.

To perform the test from another machine, install k6 and clone the repo, then change the REMOTE_GRPC_HOST variable in the config.js file to be where your server is hosted.

k6 run http-tests/remote.js --duration=60s --vus=32


This test was performed on a c5.4xlarge.

From this test we get about 26K RPS and 1.5 Million Request Per Minute (test was run for 80 seconds). Not too bad, though slightly lower than our first experiment with HTTP, I suppose it had just a tiny overhead with gRPC, but still impressive nonetheless.

The main takeaway is the bandwidth savings, if you compare it to our previous results with HTTP, we had the following

HTTP (2 Million Requests ~ 60secs)

  • received: 663 MB
  • sent:171 MB
  • total:834MB

gRPC (2 Million Requests ~ 80 secs)

  • received:543 MB
  • sent:133
  • total:676MB


Using gRPC and proto buffers we get about a 20% reduction in data usage. This is important for two reasons, the obvious being data transfer costs and secondly getting additional bandwidth like switching from 1Gbps to 10Gbps clusters is sometimes really expensive. It is also worth noting that our response payload is fairly small and simple. Most server responses have multiple nested objects, meaning data savings could be way more than 20%.


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